Samstag, 27.07.2024 08:37 Uhr

Welcome to the 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona

Verantwortlicher Autor: Giorgio Esposito EN, 28.07.2023, 16:37 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: GIORGIO ESPOSITO Bericht 7171x gelesen
America's Cup 2023 in Barcelona
America's Cup 2023 in Barcelona  Bild: America's Cup

EN [ENA] The official opening ceremony of the 37th America's Cup will be held in Barcelona on 22 August 2024. This will be followed by the final preliminary event and Challenger Selection Series, leading up to the America's Cup match commencing on 12 October 2024.

The 'America's Cup' is the oldest international sporting trophy - it dates back to 1851 - and represents one of the toughest sailing sports feats. The New York Yacht Club, one of the most prestigious clubs in the world, held the trophy for 132 years before losing it to Australia in 1983. Since then, the Cup has only been won by teams from the United States, Switzerland and New Zealand. The current Defender of the America's Cup is Emirates Team New Zealand, representing the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. The holders of the America's Cup are Emirates Team New Zealand representing the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. INEOS Britannia, the UK's 'Challenger of Record', in charge of the selection series to decide who will compete against.

Participants: Alinghi Red Bull Racing (Switzerland), Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli (Italy), American Magic New York Yacht Club (United States), K-Challenge (France). The unique format of the Cup sees the Defender of the trophy automatically cleared to race in the final 'Match', while the Challengers will embark on a series to find the best yacht to challenge the New Zealand team. All the news >>> (Italia News Press Agency - "Accredited Press America's Cup" -

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