Samstag, 27.07.2024 05:24 Uhr

Wine & Autism, stories of life in the cellar

Verantwortlicher Autor: Giorgio Esposito EN, 28.07.2023, 16:37 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: GIORGIO ESPOSITO Bericht 7021x gelesen
Wine & Autism project in Italy
Wine & Autism project in Italy  Bild: Wineaut

EN [ENA] Wine & Autism, stories of life in the cellar. This was discussed at the conference organized by 'WineAut' at the historic 'Cantine Risveglio' in Brindisi. The 'WineAut' project was born from the collaboration between 'Impresa Sociale Autnotout' and the prestigious Salento winery.

Wine & Autism, stories of life in the cellar. This was discussed at the conference organized by 'WineAut' at the historic 'Cantine Risveglio' in Brindisi. The 'WineAut' project was born from the collaboration between 'Impresa Sociale Autnotout' and the prestigious Salento winery, which aims to host children with autistic problems to guide them towards a 360-degree work inclusion. Then, the tasting of 'Zero', the first label born with the 'WineAut' project, was greatly appreciated. To do the honors Giovanni Nardelli president of 'Cantine Risveglio' and Massimo Striano responsible for 'Impresa Sociale Autnotout' which pursues "the promotion of a more inclusive and aware of diversity society".

"The project - explains the same manager Massimo Striano -" concerns the insertion of adults with autism in a singular working context as only a cellar can be: a welcoming, attractive, healthy environment, made of empathic and helpful people, in which to feel accepted, respected and inserted in all aspects of wine production ". In particular 'Wineaut' was born as an initiative of school -work alternation in favor of Samuel, a student with an autism in a Demia has put the already fragile resources and school opportunities in favor of students in disadvantaged conditions, interrupting any possibility of socialization, exchange, of comparison between students with disabilities and their equal ages.

So the simple to go to the cellar has become for Samuele something more than a way to constructively use their time, to learn, to make new friends: it has become an opportunity, a model to extend to other people with autism. The opportunity to measure yourself in a very competitive market as protagonists, with your own product and identity. 'Zero' was born from this winning combination: a sparkling white chardonnay, which, due to its characteristics, well represents 'the first WineAut branded label'.

"Ultimately - concludes the manager of 'Autnotout' - 'WineAut' is both aggregation, friendship, the desire to be together, to smile and tell each other, and a replicable, "and exportable all over the world" business model that invests in diversity as a resource". View the entire project Wine & Autism, stories of life in the cellar'. (Italia News Press Agency -

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