Samstag, 27.07.2024 08:56 Uhr

Rotary, the 24th IYFR 'Annual General Meeting' in Salento

Verantwortlicher Autor: GIORGIO ESPOSITO EN, 22.04.2024, 17:40 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: GIORGIO ESPOSITO Bericht 4425x gelesen
Brindisi (Italy) - Rotary, the 24th IYFR 'Annual General Meeting'.
Brindisi (Italy) - Rotary, the 24th IYFR 'Annual General Meeting'.  Bild: GIORGIO ESPOSITO

EN [ENA] (International News Press Agency) - Rotary, the 24th IYFR 'Annual General Meeting' in Salento. For this 'AGM 2024' it will be the Salento capital Brindisi that will host the 'mariners' belonging to all the Italian fleets, scheduled for April 25th to 27th.

(International News Press Agency) - Rotary, the 24th IYFR 'Annual General Meeting' in Salento. The International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians (IYFR) is a fellowship belonging to Rotary International, established in 1947 in London by Rotarians passionate about the sea. A partnership that today has thousands of members who make up hundreds of Fleets around the world, coordinated by Commodores, who annually converge on a territory to meet and compare common experiences. For this 'AGM 2024' it will be the Salento capital Brindisi that will host the 'mariners' belonging to all the Italian fleets.

At the center of the important program - scheduled for April 25th to 27th - is naturally 'the sea' with a series of initiatives characterized by moments of discussion on themed topics and guided visits to the most important historical sites of our city such as the Swabian Castle, the historic center and visit to the crypt – shrine of the Monument to the Sailor to be reached after a mini-cruise in the port.

Saturday 27, at 4.30 pm, the conference which will see all the Iforian Fleets of Area 1 discuss and dialogue on the issues of activities related to the sea starting from the new regulations on recreational navigation, including the safety and responsibility connected to it. The proceedings will be opened by Giuseppe Garrisi, Commodore of the Italian Region and followed by illustrious experts in maritime activities who will address very important issues. Marco Tommasi, former Director of the National Italian Naval League Training, will speak on "Safety in Recreational Activities" and on the topic "The Charter of Gaeta: an alliance for the culture and safety of navigation" will report Roberto Sammarchi, GTS AIAS Mare coordinator.

Following this, Massimiliano Sammarchi, cassation lawyer, will address the burning topic of the "Criminal responsibilities of the yachtsman: nautical homicide" and at the end Alessandro D'Onofrio - Commodore of the South-East Italy Fleet - will present the "Contribution of the IYFR regarding the safety at sea". This is the thought that inspires all Iforians for their love for the sea: "May the sea be our path, the wind our strength, the sky our guide, and may the heart preserve our emotions forever". Note: The city of Brindisi dates back to the 3rd century BC. as a port of entry to Magna Graecia. The Romans then conquered it, making it a lighthouse of naval and military importance. (International News Press Agency -

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