Samstag, 20.04.2024 05:54 Uhr

Travel, Covid: flights canceled around the world

Verantwortlicher Autor: Giorgio Esposito EN, 25.12.2021, 15:23 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: GIORGIO ESPOSITO Bericht 8353x gelesen
Flight cancelled
Flight cancelled  Bild: Giorgio Esposito

EN [ENA] Travel, infections and quarantines among staff, thousands of flights canceled around the world. Travel, infections and quarantines among staff, thousands of flights canceled around the world. More than a quarter of these cancellations concern the United States.

More than a quarter of these cancellations concern the United States, between domestic and international connections, with several companies having to deal with quarantined isolation of cabin crew or ground operations. Almost 5 thousand flights were canceled in the world between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day alone due to the pandemic, in particular due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, causing inconvenience to tens of thousands of passengers. According to the specialized website Flightaware, it is above all the US that pays this heavy price, given that the stars and stripes economy is almost totally centered on both private and commercial air travel.

The most interested companies are Delta, United Airlines and American Airlines, which thus leave thousands of travelers on the ground destined to spend a few public holidays at the airport. Australia was also particularly affected by the inconvenience, with over 100 skipped connections to Sydney and Melbourne. The serious situation, however, spreads over the six continents with unpredictable repercussions on unwitting travelers or those who in this gloomy period have forcibly chosen holidays to the bitter end.The serious situation, however, spreads with unpredictable repercussions on unwitting travelers or those who in this gloomy period have forcibly chosen holidays to the bitter end. (Italia News Press Agency -

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