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A Compilation of Chinese Medicine Periodicals

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 15.01.2019, 10:42 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 6444x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Brill (known as E. J. Brill, Koninklijke Brill, Brill Academic Publishers) the Dutch international academic publisher founded in 1683 in Leiden, Netherlands, with offices in Leiden, Boston, Paderborn and Singapore, recently published the Compilation of Chinese Medicine Periodicals Online, 1897-1952 The Compilation of Chinese Medicine Periodicals is a collection of 49 periodicals on Chinese medicine published

in the late Qing and Republican periods in China. This collection includes 212 books in 5 parts of more than 120,000 pages. The late Qing and Republican epochs are decisive periods to the development of medicine and science in China. Regarded as one of the best sources for observing the changing nature of medical practice and education during the late Qing and Republican eras in China, this collection offers an exceptional insight into not only the modern transformation of Chinese medicine, but also the larger role of medicine in Chinese society.

This collection comprises published documents authored by prominent figures both in support of, and opposed to, Chinese medicine. The periodicals embraced in this collection are among the oldest, most influential and authoritative of all scholarship on Chinese medicine from the late Qing and Republican periods. The content has important reference value and unique academic importance for research on Chinese medicine as well as Chinese culture, history and society. The periodicals included are both old and rare. The editorial team worked with over 50 libraries to compile them all together in this work. The print version of this collection was jointly published in Chinese by Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shanghai

Lexicographical Publishing House in 2012. Brill was conceded the exclusive rights in 2017 to distribute the online version of this collection. Key features are: Chinese material plus English overviews; - A massive primary source collection that includes 212 volumes in 5 parts of approximately 120,000 pages; - Two extensive, full-text searchable Indexes: Index by Author and Index by Category. Both print and online versions are available.The Chief Editor, Duan Yishan is Professor at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is member of the Classical Medical Chinese Division of the Chinese Medicine Association of China; executive member of the Group for Editing and Preserving Old Texts of the National Chinese

Administrative Bureau; researcher and editor for the All-China University-Level Educational Materials edition of Classical Medical Chinese and also the graduate-school level teaching materials Methods of Textual Criticism for Classical Medical Chinese and the Quan Yuanqi edition of the Suwen 《素问》. He has published Duan Yishan’s Overview of Classical Medical Chinese (Shanghai Scientific and Technological Publishers, 2001) and Abstracts of Unpublished Chinese Medical Manuscripts Collected in the Shanghai Region (Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Press, 2017).

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